Evasion Games FAQ

What is Evasion Games?

  • Evasion Games is a contest to see who can bypass or evade EDR in the most creative way.
  • Second, Evasion Games is a research project, used to study the methods used to evade/bypass detection technology.

Who can participate?

  • The contest is open to the public. Anyone who thinks they have the skills, or wants to learn is welcome to join!

When will the contest happen?

  • The date is still up in the air, but most likely in early 2025.

What happens to the results of the contest?

  • All solutions, evasions, or bypasses will be published with credit given to the author. Some statistical analysis will be done on the solutions as well. The goal is the overall betterment of the cyber security ecosystem.

How will the winner(s) be chosen?

  • The following criteria will be used to determine the winner(s).
    • Solution creativity (How creative was the solution)
    • Uniqueness of the solution (How many other competitors submitted the same or close to the same solution)
    • Evasiveness of the solution (Did it evade some, most, or all of the EDR telemetry?)
    • A tie-breaker would be time to submit a solution (How long did it take to submit in comparison to other competitors)

Is there a prize for the winner(s)?

  • Of course! The winner, or winners will receive prizes. They are still being determined, but we want to reward the participants who put a lot of effort into the challenge.

How can I prepare for the challenge?

  • There is a lot of public content available on the subject of evasion. Start with something simple, and expand from there. With the goal being to understand the underlying detection logic. (brush up on your coding skills as well)

Where can I sign up?

  • Visit the home page and submit your email. That’s it for now! We will send a follow-up email when we get close the launch date.